Sunday, September 4, 2016 was the very first stake conference for the Nairobi West Stake. This stake (a stake consists of several wards and branches) was formed in March when the Nairobi Stake was split into two stakes, Nairobi East and Nairobi West.
Nairobi West Stake President Munene didn't beat around the bush. He said he was going to tackle "hard things" and he did. He told the fathers not to beat their children or their wives. He told them to give their families attention and love. He told of Steve Jobs and how as he was dying, he said he wished he would have concentrated on family and not on wealth because you can't take it with you.
Stake Presidency Counselor Omondi talked about boarding schools, which are very prevalent here in Kenya. Church leaders are encouraging families to keep their children home and not send them to boarding schools even though boarding schools give better education. He said to keep children in the home where they can be taught the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sister Msane taught that women need to be "courageous defenders of families."
It was a great conference. The chapel and cultural hall were completely full at least by mid-way through. Most people come by matatus and so many came in late. Better late than never!
Everyone is streaming out of the stake center after the conference. |
Our cute little Emma from our branch. |
Stake members hung around and visited for a long time afterward. |
So fun to see everyone enjoying each other. |
We met this young man, Screven, when we first arrived here. When I first heard him speak, I thought to myself, "He's no Kenyan. He's a Canadian!" He spoke just like someone from Alberta. It was crazy. Then I found out that he had gone to university in of all places . . . Edmonton, Alberta! He had been studying at the University of Alberta. And he spoke just like an Albertan, complete with "eh." Amazing! He's hoping to go back to Edmonton for more education and become a lawyer back here in Kenya. Right now he's working on his Master's Degree here in Nairobi. |
Always great to see our missionaries. Here is Elder Vidonyi, Elder Manu, and Elder Egbert |
And here I am with Lilian from our Langata Branch and a dear sister from Rongai. |
On the right is Pauline (who traveled with us last week to Kisumu) and her two cute daughters. Her mother is on the left (in a head scarf). Her mother is not a member but always comes out to church. Someday . . . |
And here is sweet little P* from our Langata Branch. She and her sister and parents come faithfully to Church. Her father suffered a stroke a year ago and has a hard time talking and walking but he still comes out each week that his health allows. He's a very good man. (He reminds me of my Dad who also suffered a stroke and had trouble walking and talking. Only my Dad was about 15 years older than Brother Benson). |
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