This past week our Africa South East Area President, Elder Hamilton, and his wife toured our mission. LeRon and I had the special opportunity of having Family Home Evening with the Hamiltons, the Msanes, and the Assistants. It was so nice to rub shoulders with a General Authority. He was so friendly and we enjoyed getting to know him. Then on Wednesday Elder Hamilton was here in Nairobi to visit with and instruct the missionaries. I was so impressed with the love and kindness he showed to our wonderful missionaries as he instructed and answered questions. I'm so glad we have such good, faithful leaders. Elder Hamilton promised us that if we would spend 20 minutes a day in the Book of Mormon that we would not fall away. I was impressed with that promise and though I haven't been perfect at it, I am trying to read daily for 20 minutes. I have been able to read the Book of Mormon several times in a year that way and I can feel the spirit of that book in my life.
While we waited for Pres & Sis Hamilton and Pres & Sis Msane to arrive (they were driving from Chyulu), we waited in the chapel, visiting and reading scriptures. Here's some pictures of our Black and White missionaries! I tried to take pictures of them all. Hope I didn't miss anyone.
Elders Mwaja, Cox, Egbert, and Musonda. |
Front row: Elders Noel, Kyuvi, Hales, and Manu. |
Sister Were (in green and pronounced ware-ay), Elder Vidonyi, Sister Shanya. |
Front row: Elder Boaz, Sister Njoroge, Sister Kiio, Sister Were. Elder Pavik is peeking at me between Sis Njoroge and Sis Kiio. |
Front: Sis Ndonga, Sis Gondwe (pronounced goe-n-dway), Elder Boaz. Behind: Elder Mugele (in blue), Elder Limu, Elder Pavik. |
Elder Mugele, Elder Limu, Elder Pavik with Elder Noel (between Mugele and Limu) studying his scriptures diligently. |
Elder Otika, Elder Butters, Elder Chenani, Elder Rasmussen, Elder Muthiani. |
Elder Wafula, one of the President's Assistants, is setting a good example by studying his scriptures while he waits for the meeting to start. |
And Elder Arudo is getting ready to conduct the meeting. He is also one of the President's Assistants. We also (Elder Torrie and I) work closely with the Assistants. |
Elder (whoops . . . forgot his name) and Elder Emmanuel are giving us some prelude music. |
Elder Covarrubias, Elder Agesa, Elder Boaz. |
Elder Mwaja and Elder Cox are companions and they serve in "The Hills." |
Elder Egbert and Elder Musonda are companions serving in Athi River. |
Front row: Elder Noel, Elder Kyuvi (pronounced Choo-vee), Elder Hales, and me (Sister Torrie). |
Elder Otika, Elder Butters, Elder Chenani, and me. |
Me and Elder Muthiani and Elder Agesa with Elder Wafula behind. |
We had lunch in the gym and then a quick group picture before Elder Hamilton (blue tie, front row) was off to another meeting. Elder Torrie is taking the picture so he's not in it. I made the dessert for the lunch and it turned out delicious. I made Sister Msane's "Malva Pudding" and also a pan of brownies. Hungry missionaries gobbled it all up. |
Sister Kiio and her companion, Sister Njoroge. There are no white sister missionaries in our mission. Just lovely black ones! |
It's always fun when missionaries get together. Elder Emmanuel, Sister Gondwe and Elder Musonda. Elders and Sisters do not date while they are on missions but they definitely are friends. But so important to keep their minds on the work of the Lord. They leave worrying about dating till after their missions. |
My son is Elder Covarrubias and I'm in tears seeing him! Thank you for posting these!
ReplyDeleteBecky Donaldson