We had lovely conversations with two guards on two occasions recently. They both seemed sincerely interested and we gave copies of the Book of Mormon to each, explaining to them that both the Bible and the Book of Mormon are witnesses of Jesus Christ. Last Friday night we went to dinner with President and Sister Msane and I shared Articles of Faith cards with two of the waitresses. Then more wanted the cards, which have a picture of Jesus Christ with children on the front so I gave out several. Clerks in stores are beginning to remember us and call us by name. It's not that we stand out or anything! (Ha ha). We think we fit right in (with our white skin!) but we really don't.
By the way, I have now counted 30 smokers here in Kenya. We've been here for 4 months now so that's not bad. Smoking is very expensive as well as bad for the health, so I'm glad I've only encountered 30 smokers. I think I'll stop counting now.
I'm so grateful for the Word of Wisdom -- the Lord's Law of Health -- which was given to the Church in 1833. The world back then had no idea that tobacco, alcohol, and drugs were so addicting and harmful. But the Lord knew.

That's great there are so few smokers! I seem to remember that it was opposite in Europe, that every time I went I was amazed at how many people were smoking as compared to walking down the street here. Of course, it's been awhile. :)