We spent three days in training. So interesting. The Church is truly a marvelous work and a wonder. We met with Elder Hamilton (of the Seventy) who will become the Area president in a couple of months when Elder Carl B. Cook's assignment is changed. Elder Hamilton now serves as a counselor to Area President Cook. Elder Hamilton loves Africa. He told us that the goal of the Area is to build "Centers of Strength" and to teach the doctrine of the family. Keep it simple. Start right. Be patient. Finding people to teach is not the issue. Everyone will listen because they want a better way of life. The goal of the church is to help people lift themselves out of poverty through tithing, faith, and work. NGO's are plentiful but have helped the people to have a sense of entitlement. The Church does not want to do that. The Church helps people to be self-reliant. It was very interesting to visit with Elder Hamilton! He's a good man.
Looking out a window of the Africa Southeast Area Office in Johannesburg. Lovely grounds with paths, ponds, fountains, greenery, palm trees. |
The Johannesburg Temple is on the grounds of the Africa Southeast Area Office. |
Elder & Sister Egan took us out to enjoy the local fish: the Kingklip. It was delicious. So mild and tender. It's only found in the waters off South Africa. |
Elder & Sister Egan were IFR's -- Infield Representatives for the Quorum of the Twelve. They were first point of contact between the mission presidents and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In getting to know them we found out that he went on a mission to Denmark in his early years. We knew that Bruce Woodruff also went to Denmark around that time. And wouldn't you know it . . . they were missionary companions! Elder Egan was excited to learn of "Elder" Woodruff, whom he hasn't seen for over 40 years. So we'll send them the information to get in contact. |
L-R: Elder & Sister Egan, Elder Torrie, Sister Harline, Sister Torrie, Elder Harline. The Egans knew relatives of the Harlines. It's a small world. |
Sister Harline and I had fun with two of our African teachers. |
The Harlines, Phillip, and the Torries. Phillip helped with some of our training. |
LeRon by the Johannesburg Temple |
Last night in Johannesburg. LeRon & Colleen; Sis & Elder Walton (with whom we stayed while we were in Johannesburg), Sis & Elder Egan, Sis & Elder Harline. We had a great time together and we ate delicious food too. |
So fun to read an update and see pictures! :)