I wonder if little critters live in the thatch on the roof of our lodge. |
Some kind of fruit. Not sure what but I like this picture. |
We stopped at Lake Naivasha and watched a young boy cleaning his catch of fish. We asked if we could take a photo and he nodded shyly. So cute! |
Father and Daughter |
So fun to have Heather visit for a few days. |
Lots of obsidian in this area. Lots of volcanic activity in centuries past. |
I love these homemade brooms. |
These are excellent missionaries who work hard and have good attitudes. |
Elder Noel has been here for 3 or 4 transfers now. Transfers are every 6 weeks. So he's due for a change next transfer. |
An African Hoopoe catching a worm outside Elder Noel and Elder Odhiambo's flat. I had to zoom in a long way to catch it. |
Heather is visiting with two farmers. You can see their crops in the background. They grow potatoes, peas, and maize. |
LeRon had a good visit with them too. He always likes to visit with farmers. |
I am wearing the "kikoy" that I bought at a farmer's market. It's made of really smooth, silky, cotton. You can use it as a shawl or a scarf or a table runner. It's very "Kenyan." |

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