I saw a bumper sticker on a car in our compound that said "God Bless Kenya." I agree. Kenya is a lovely country with a great future. To see some of that future, our neighborhood granddaughter, Faye, invited us to her international school to see their Christmas fine arts production. The school was truly impressive. So nice to see a focus not just on sports but also on fine arts. We stayed for the first hour and a half and then we had to leave to help President and Sister Msane welcome 8 new missionaries.
Funny thing. At half time, they announced a 20-minute intermission and invited us to have refreshments in the foyer. Keep in mind that the theater we were in was HUGE. So everyone filed out and lined up for refreshments. Only one table with lots of food but only one line. After 40 minutes, I went back into the theater. No food for me. The 20-minute intermission turned into 45 minutes so everyone could eat. African time!!! (Worse than Mormon Standard Time!)
I've never seen this bumper sticker on any other country's vehicles other than the US. So yes . . . God Bless Kenya!!! |
Now on to the Performing Arts Showcase at Faye's international school. What an impressive school. Teachers. The School itself. The students. The West does not have a corner on education. |
The school showcased its singers, dancers, theater. It was a great show. |
I took pictures like any proud grandmother! Faye is third from left in the front row. |
If I would have been home, I could have gone to see my flesh and blood grandchildren's school productions in Fargo North Dakota. Matthew and Alice, I will be there someday!! |
In the meantime, I'm here for Faye's performances. She's a good singer and a great dancer. Very lithe and agile. |
The Tae Kwon Do demonstration was fun! Feisty little kids!! |
Tae Kwon Do students. They each broke a brick with their hands. One little girl tried with her right hand and it didn't work. So she used her left hand. Bam! It broke. She yelled "Ouch!" So funny. |
The ballerinas were so cute! I took this picture to show my daughter-in-law, Jocelyn, who took ballet and other dance classes in her youth. Interesting that I no longer notice that skins are black. Also that there are varying colors of black. But being an international school, there are also white kids there. |
Faye's group choreographed their own dance. It was great! |
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