The branch presidents and clerks are listening attentively to Elder Torrie. He's probably talking faster than they can listen! (He has only one speed: too fast!) |
Elder Torrie likes to teach and he likes to make people laugh. |
These two brethren are from the Kitale Branch. |
In the suit is the Sikhendu Branch President and his branch clerk, David. |
On the left is the Mautuma Branch clerk or president (can't remember which) and on the right is the Naitiri Branch clerk or president. Both eager to learn. |
These three brethren are from Misikhu Branch. The brother on the right in the suit is the branch president and the others are clerks. |
While they were in the meeting, I wandered around the Sikhendu Branch meetinghouse which is in a rented building in a lovely area. |
Here's a view from the chapel toward Mount Elgon which is a small mountain between Kenya and Uganda. |
Behind the meetinghouse building is a canvas tent with a corrugated tin roof. They hold sacrament meeting and other meetings within this tent. |
The bathrooms are outhouses -- Gents on the left, ladies on the right. |
The baptismal font is a tank outside with a cornfield behind it. |
And a farmer's house and yard is next to the church. |
This is the inside of the tent meetinghouse. There are lights too. Pretty well set up I would say. So interesting how they make do with what they have and are satisfied. |
This unfinished home was near the chapel. Interesting to see the mode of construction. |
Gorgeous green crops. |

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