LeRon and I just got back from a weekend in Mwanza, Tanzania, getting to know the Colemeres (the senior couple there) and meeting the branch members. LeRon also provided financial training for the branch president and clerk. I'll post about that soon. Now we're back in Nairobi. It's evening and I've got the little space heater turned on. The long rains have arrived and it gets cold in the evenings now.
But for now . . . here are pictures of the latest MLC (Missionary Leader Council) and Nairobi Zone Conference. MLC's are held monthly and zone conferences every 6 weeks. There are 4 zones, so that is a lot of meetings and conferences in a year. President and Sister Msane and the Assistants, Elder Hales and Elder Ellis, are very busy people. Plus the President interviews each missionary every 6 weeks and there are 90 missionaries! Anyone who seeks for the calling of mission president has rocks for brains!
It's always great to be with the young missionaries. They make us feel young again! So glad we get to be so involved. We often help with the food, take pictures, have sing-alongs. It's great fun, though at times, exhausing!
Elder Mahanzu, Elder Hales, Elder Agesa. WHAT are you up to? |
Elder Wambua and Elder Wafula. Hard for the camera to adjust with white shirts and black faces! |
Sister Msane has taught all of us how to fold plastic bags into tiny packages. Here's Elder Mahanzu and Elder Soita taking their hand at it. |
Elder Mwashi and Sister Omo. Don't they have beautiful smiles? |
Elder Merritt is taking some time for study, away from the "madding crowd." |
Elder Torrie looks awfully gray and white next to Elder Agesa's youthful dark face. Open your eyes, Elder Torrie. |
Sister Msane is tired of cooking so Elders Rasmussen, Soita, and Le Cheminant have taken over. |
Elder Soita is making chapatis. They are kind of like a heavy tortilla cooked in tons of oil. |
Elder Soita has a cool method of making fluffy layers of the chapatis. Kind of like making pastry. |
Elder Le Cheminant and Elder Rasmussen cooking up a stew. |
Eldeer Le Cheminant making a colorful salad. Good job. Your mother has taught you well!! |
Best buds, Elder Musonda and Elder Ellis. |
Elder Wafula and Elder Mwashi |
Elder Torrie and Elder Soita going over receipts and other financial matters. |
Next day was Nairobi Zone Conference. Elder Ngabonziza, Elder Covarrubias, Elder Nyanhamo, Elder Ellis, Elder Pavik, Elder Ochieng (who is here temporarily, waiting his visa to Zimbabwe). |
Sister Petersen, tall Elder Manu (the Tree, as his mom calls him), Elder Egbert |
Elder Merz, Elder Card, Elder Carter, Elder Harrott, Elder Brown, Elder Fraga |
Elder Jameson, Elder Cotts, Elder Wood, Elder McGrath, Elder Manu, Elder Egbert. |
Elder Barnard, Elder Soita, Elder Lotulelei, Elder Apuoyo, Elder Ombaka, Elder Akpu, Elder Limu |
Elder Gimeyi, Elder Odhiambo, Elder Call, Elder Kiio, Elder Somniso |
Drink Fanta!!! Elder Musonda, Elder Hales, Elder Noel. I can't believe how much pop people here in Kenya drink. (In Alberta, we call it pop but I know you Americans call it soda. When I was a kid, it was called soda pop. I've never really cared for pop. I don't like the fizz. Give me good old water any time.) |
I wanted in on the picture too! I'm usually taking the pictures. Elder Lotulelei, Elder Ngabonziza, Elder Brown, Elder Merz, Elder Carter, Elder Harrott and me. |
Somehow I missed the table with the 8 sister missionaries so I caught Sister Masibo and Sister Matata in the hallway. I need to get the pictures of the others. |
I don't care for pop, either. Water for the win! Lots of good photos. Glad you are in one of them!