Today in sacrament meeting I was again impressed with the strength of the people and the leaders. There were only 31 people in attendance but the spirit was strong. These people sing with gusto -- even the young children. The sacrament was prepared by the priesthood brethren and passed by our newest member -- a convert of about a month. The speakers were our branch president and one of his counselors. Excellent talks about making commitments and keeping strong in spite of hardships and holding firmly to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The people who give prayers often ask for protection against terrorists and for peace and freedom to come to all nations.
I think we in the West forget what a blessing it is to live in relative peace. We don't realize the bounteous blessings that seem to fall into our laps so easily. Being here in Kenya, where life is very different from the West, I have been made increasingly aware of the blessings we have and the responsibilities we have because of it. "Where much is given, much is required."
I'm so grateful on this 1st day of January 2017 for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for Jesus' amazing atonement which allows each of us to go back into the presence of our Heavenly Father, made clean and spotless through the "blood of the Lamb." I'm grateful for my strong children and happy grandchildren and for this opportunity to serve the Lord in the Kenya Nairobi Mission with my best friend and eternal companion, my sweetheart, LeRon. I have been blessed beyond measure. Yes, I get discouraged. Yes, I get sick from time to time. Yes, I worry. But on the whole I am filled with gratitude to my Heavenly Father and to his Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Lovely testimony, Mom. So proud of you! And you are right, we have so many blessings we don't realize.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder and for your beautiful testimony!
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming Dad was playing the piano?
Only just now you're getting too old to stay up til midnight? I must have suddenly aged several years ago, then, because it's been a LONG time since I felt much like staying up til midnight on New Year's Eve! :)
Thank you for your lovely testimony, Colleen. I am so blessed in so many ways, one of which is having you for a big sister.
ReplyDeleteI thought I should say hi and let you know how fun it is to read your blog. I did a bunch of catching up this morning and it's great to see you, not only both safe and sound but thriving.
ReplyDeleteActually the blog itself is very cool. It's great to check in on occasion and read of your adventures and be reminded of your sweet testimonies. Be well! xo Melanie