So nice to rub shoulders with good people -- black or white. And there are all colors of black from chocolate brown all the way to very, very black. There are some very good looking people here. LeRon and I absolutely do not see color anymore. People are just people.
In my youth I knew and was friends with many people of other enthnicities, especially Japanese and other Asians. The Japanese-Canadians had been moved from the west coast of B.C. into Alberta during World War II. When the war ended, the people stayed and so we have a large community of Japanese whom we consider to be "just one of us." But we never had any blacks. I saw my first black person when I was in high school in about 1967. Mr. Morrison was from the southern US I think and he was my English teacher. I was amazed at his black skin and his short, wiry, curly hair and wished I could touch it. A very few black people crossed my path in the ensuing years. Then when my children were young, a black missionary was assigned to our stake. He and his companion came over for dinner and I remember Craig climbing on his lap and tentatively patting the black missionary's hair, something I wished I could have done!
Now the shoe is on the other foot. We drove through a very poor area by Nairobi and all the little black children came running to the car. They were amazed to see white people! I'm sure they wanted to touch our hair too. And many children and even women do just that!
So many good people here in Kenya! Today we were at a farmer's market and had a wonderful discussion about Jesus Christ with a young man and his brother who were selling artwork. They were sincere in their love for the Savior and it was such a joy to talk with them. Then at the next booth were a white young man and his wife who have moved here from Eilat in Israel. We had a great visit with them as we have been to the Holy Land 5 times. We didn't talk about Jesus Christ with them as they are Jewish and our church has an agreement with the government of Israel that we won't proselyte Jewish people (at least within Israel). But we told them we were missionaries and had a lovely visit with them.
So many good people everywhere.
Elder and Sister Ford are going home next week. They have been serving as Public Affairs Specialists in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Rwanda. So nice to rub shoulders with good people who are willing to take 18 months out of their lives to serve missions in far off countries. We went to dinner with them at Ocean Basket at The Hub this past week. |
And so nice to rub shoulders with good missionaries serving in the Kenya Nairobi Mission. This is a card that Elder Noel and Elder Odhiambo sent us after we took them to the Nakuru National Park. How nice for them to think of giving us a card! And as an aside to my kids: Wouldn't this make a wonderful puzzle? I'm always on the lookout for a good picture especially now that you can get puzzles made online. |
And nice to rub shoulders with Solomon and his brother Moses at the farmer's market today. They make wooden trays from cedar wood and then paint them. I love their artwork. The dots are made with glue to make the 3-dimensional look of these Guineafowls. We've seen a lot of Guineafowls here and they are interesting birds with a unique beauty. Heather, the dot-idea could be an interesting one for your art projects. |
Solomon and Moses also make these Guineafowls out of paper mache and then they paint them So cool! And they aren't as fragile as they look. |
So good to rub shoulders with the good men who lead the Kenya Nairobi Mission. President Msane is in the middle and on his right is 1st Counselor, President Balilemwa from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and on his left is President Kamau from Eldoret, Kenya. |
President Msane calls in all the District Leaders and Mission Branch Presidents every quarter for a meeting at the Mission Home. They discuss concerns of their various units and President and Sister Msane give training. Back row L-R: President Okila (Kisumu), President Mwaipopo (Dar Es Salaam), President Muia (Chyulu), President Ochieng (Naivasha), President Kogo (El Doret), President Kibanda (Arusha), President Itongwa (Mwanza), President Imende (Busia), President Kaunange (Kilungu Hills), President Msifiri (Mombasa). |
Now we've added the wives of the Mission Presidency to the photo. "Behind every good man is a good woman." Not sure who said that but I think it's absolutely true. Also see Proverbs 31. |
And now just the Presidency and their good wives. So nice to get to know these good people. |
President Msane doesn't like to get his picture taken so I have taken it upon myself to make him laugh!! |
Sister Msane is giving training to the Presidents about the Auxiliaries -- the Primary and the Young Women in particular and she is encouraging them to use the Handbook of Instructions. So important to follow what our leaders have asked us to do. Our church is run by Prophets and Apostles with Jesus Christ himself being the Head. What a blessing! |
And now here is Elder Torrie giving financial training. So important to keep our financial houses in order. The money that is used to run Church units comes from the tithes of the people and so are "sacred funds." So important to use them the way the Lord wants them to be used. And so nice that I get to "rub shoulders" 24 hrs/day 7 days/week with the good man who is my husband. | | |
Cool artwork! I've seen ideas on Pinterest if using white glue to make pretty designs on canvas and then paint over it. Maybe someday I'll try. And yes that card would make a great puzzle. Glad the training went well too.
ReplyDeleteAlways good to read your blog, my sister!