Here are some more great signs I've seen on matatus and larger buses lately:
Impossible is Nothing with God
What God Controls Never Go Out of Control (sic)
Jesus is the Prince of Peace
Repent and Prepare the way: Messiah is Coming
None can stop Gospel
God's Answer: Psalms 138:3
Gospel Power
I still find it hard to understand the dichotomy here in Kenya: nice words and feelings about Jesus Christ on the one hand and yet on the other, the violence that may take place after the elections. Jesus said to love those that hate you and do good to those that despitefully use you. I'm not sure how violence will solve any problems nor is it what Jesus would have us do. It's the age-old problem of trying to make our actions consistent with our knowledge of right and wrong, which is a good definition of integrity. And that is what the world needs: integrity.
I guess he that is without sin shall cast the first stone so I won't be casting any stones and I'll stop my judging. There are so many wonderful people here and it's just a few bad apples that make it bad for all (as it is in most countries). Generally speaking, the majority of people still tend to choose right. Our sweet mission office cleaning girl, Cecelia, spent all day last Thursday and Friday in her church praying for peace for this wonderful country of Kenya. I've been impressed with the number of prayers that have been given in our sacrament meetings, begging for peace and safety. There are so many good, princely people here who deserve peace. May it be so.
I've been very impressed with this sign that we see every day. The political problems we have here are largely due to tribal affiliations. If all Kenyans could feel that their tribe is Kenya, it would lead to much greater peace and unity. But it seems that tribal heritage trumps everything else here in Kenya. In the church, we encourage new members to put their membership in the kingdom of God first before their ancestral tribe. We are all brothers and sisters and children of the same God. The church also encourages people to keep the good in their culture but to discard anything that goes against the gospel of Jesus Christ. Culture is good as long as it is consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ. |
And here's our princely neighbors . . . Joy and Prince (love those names!) They were dressed up for a wedding and Joy was the flower girl. |
She was excited to show me her lovely curls. These curly extensions will last a couple of weeks. |
And the beads in the front were lovely. |
Shiny dark skin and dark eyes and brilliant white smile make for one handsome young man, don't you think? |
We spent a Sunday recently in Naivasha. We were surprised to see rubble right next to the church. The neighboring building (which attaches on to the church building) is being renovated. |
This is the dark, not nice smelling walkway that church members have to go through to reach the church building. President Msane says it needs to be changed, and I agree. |
I was surprised to find all the homes empty and no one around. Everyone had to move out so the owners can renovate. Building here in Kenya is not like in the west. |
I had a great visit with the Naivasha Branch President's wife. She is a lovely young woman, just a bit older than my children. |
Sister Ochieng is expecting her third baby. Her oldest is about 17 and her second son, about 11, recently passed away. I hadn't heard so she told me all about it. So sad. He died of sickle cell anemia, which is fairly common among Africans. |
We had a nice conversation about how comforting it is to know that she will see and be with her son again and that death is not the end. It's still hard when someone dies but it's not as devastating when we understand the plan of happiness and the Savior's role in overcoming death so that all may live again. |
While I was visiting with Sister Ochieng, Elder Torrie was in the clerk's office doing training and a financial audit. He loves these good men who are so humble and willing to be taught. L-R: Branch President Ochieng, his clerk, his counselor. |
Had to get a picture of us with the clerk, the branch president, and his counselor. Fine men. |
President Ochieng and his lovely wife are definitely "princely people". |
And LeRon had to get a picture with this young man, Mike, who is teaching himself to play the piano. LeRon has helped him to get his keyboard working and has been encouraging him in his endeavors. Since this is undoubtedly our last trip to Naivasha before the end of our mission, it was a sad/happy occasion. We wish the missionaries, Elder Odhiambo and Elder Tucker, would have been here but they were in Nakuru. They travel to Nakuru once a month or more to help out with the group that meets there. |
More princely people . . . after all, seniors are nearly royalty aren't they? LeRon and I picked Elder and Sister Lillywhite at the airport. (In Kenya, you don't pick up someone or something, you pick it). Lillywhites are here as Public Affairs specialists. |
I took this picture to remind myself that there were 15 huge billboards advertising hairdos. Hair is pretty important here. Lots of different ways to add texture and color to African hair. And yet a lot of girls and women keep their hair extremely short. Much easier to take care of, I would imagine. |
The 15 billboards were all along this busy road in downtown Nairobi. In the more than a year that we've been here, we've only seen one questionable billboard. |
Nice to hear your voice yesterday! Love you lots. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me, as the song says.