Just had another successful Nairobi Zone Conference. Good to be with the missionaries. They make us feel young again! We received good counsel from President and Sister Msane as well as from many of the missionaries. We also heard sweet testimonies. It's an uplift to be with people who are doing their best. We also talked of things we all need to do in case of disruptions before and after the upcoming August 8 national elections. The Church has always recommended that we have a supply of water, food, fuel, etc. and it's especially important for us at this time. "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." That is always the case.
Before I post pictures of the Zone Conference, here are some more logos I've seen recently on buses and matatus:
None Can Stop Gospel
365 Days of Blessings
To God be the Glory (along with a copy of LDS artist Simon Dewy's painting of the Savior)
Faith is Like Wifi (but I never caught the rest)
Loving Jesus Loud
Keep Your Faith
Masha Allah (meaning "God has willed" in Arabic)
God With Us
Jesus is the Answer
MLC (Missionary Leader Council) is held about once a month. All of the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders from all zones in Kenya and Tanzania come in to Nairobi for an all-day council meeting. The sisters haven't arrived yet but Elder Torrie and I had to go so we took a picture without them. Oh and the Nairobi zone leaders, Elder Lotulelei, Elder Kiio, Elder Agesa, and Elder Cotts hadn't arrived yet either. L-R: Elder Mahanzu, Elder Egbert, Elder Estheimer, Elder Musonda, Elder Merritt, Elder Mwanziu with Elder Wambua in front, Elder Le Cheminant, Elder Pavik with Elder Chenani in front, Elder Ang'ila, Elder Hales, Elder Mwashi, Elder Rasmussen, Elder Ellis, Elder Soita with Sister Torrie in front, Elder Torrie. Whew! I think I got them all! |
For lunch at Nairobi Zone Conference, Sister Msane provided some salads and I provided dessert (three kinds of squares) and LeRon and I also picked up 6 buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken. The missionaries ate it all! |
Elder Akpu and Elder Cotts |
You missionary moms and dads can pick out your missionaries I'm sure. There's Sister Msane making sure everyone eats what they take! (ha ha) |
Elder McGrath and Elder Lotulelei |
More hungry missionaries, including Elder Brown on the far left. |
Elder Carter, Elder Carlson, Elder Manu-tuinei, Elder Harrott (standing), Elder Card, Elder Wilson. Elder Lotulelei in back. |
Elder Okoth (here as he awaits his visa to Zimbabwe), Elder Nyanhamo, Elder Lotulelei, Elder Manu |
Elder Agesa, Elder Otika, Elder Soita |
Elder Limu, Elder Hales, Elder Akpu |
Elder Kyomya (pronounced Chomya), Elder Somniso, Elder Limu |
Elder McGrath, Sister Matata, Elder Gimeyi |
Sister Maina, Sister Dhaima with an unknown missionary's pinkie! |
Sister Okila and Sister Maina with an unknown sister missionary's hand offering Sister Maina some food! |
Sister Acii and Sister Njoroge |
Sister Bamutesiza and Sister Mbatha (one of our new missionaries from South Africa) |
Sister Auma and Sister Masibo |
Elder Barnard and Elder Cotts |
Another Sister Njoroge. We have two Sister Njoroges in our mission! Double the fun! |
Ah . . . here is President Msane enjoying his lunch, along with Elder Card and Elder Wilson (our Canadians -- yeah!!) |
Sister Njoroge and Sister Dhaima |
Not sure what this is all about. Oh, there's Elder Jameson (back row, far right). Somehow I missed him in the eating pictures. I wonder who else I missed. I did my best to get everyone. |
Now Elder Musonda has joined the group and I still don't know what's happening. |
And now Elder Torrie has joined. Still not sure what it's all about but I'm sure they do. |
Now I'm there too since I hardly ever get in pictures. |
Elder Otika and Elder Wilson are demonstrating how they had to pull their socks up over their trousers when they ride bikes. Good idea, Elders! But it looks a tad funny. |
Elder Kyomya and Sister Torrie |
Elder Hales and Elder McGrath |
Elder Gimeyi, front and center. It's getting to be evening. All the sisters have left because they need to be home by 6 p.m. Safer for Elders to be out later than Sisters. |
Sisters . . . Sisters . . . there were never such devoted sisters . . . Sisters Torrie and Msane. |
Before everyone left we managed a group picture and you can almost see everyone's full faces. I really tried anyway. |
Now I've popped in the picture. Can you see me? I'm on the right. |
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