President Msane, our mission president, asked Elder Torrie and me to help train the leaders of the districts and branches. Many of them are fairly new in the church and they are always happy to learn how things should be done. They are humble, good men. In our Church, men are leaders of wards and branches, districts and stakes, and women lead in Relief Society, Primary, and Young Women. Men and women have different responsibilities in the church and they are all needed. This training session was for the men this time. I trained them on how to fill out new convert baptism records and Elder Torrie taught them about using the Lord's sacred funds from members' tithing and fast offerings in their branches and wards and how important accountability is. Church leaders throughout the world do not receive pay for their church work; they all have day jobs to support their families.
Here I am ready to face "The Men." I'm wearing my new Kazuri beads that I like so much. I talked about the Kazuri Bead Factory in an earlier post. It was started 40 years ago to give single mothers a chance to earn a living. All the beads are handmade and hand painted. |
The training took place at the Mission Home. |
I didn't get pictures of everyone but here are some of the great men who serve in the branches and districts. All church leaders, both men and women, serve without pay. |
Aha! I caught President Msane in one of his many happy moments. He looks like a Zulu warrior, don't you think? That's because he is. |
YOu are so cute, Colleen! You make me smile! I love you.