The wheelchair needs to fit the person. Those watching are learning how to fit the chairs and how to maintain them. |
Sister Jensen (one of our senior couples who works with LDS Charities) is visiting with a young man who is excited to get a new chair. |
This wheelchair belonged to one of the patrons who came to get a new one donated by the Church. The person certainly needed a new one! |
Notice this man's foot. It is growing completely backwards. He's excited to get a wheelchair bike. |
Look at that smile! So thankful to be able to be mobile! He usually crawls on the floor because of his foot. |
And here's another man who has been given a wheelchair bicycle. He had fun learning to handle it. |
Elder and Sister Petersen have been here for 18 months helping with many LDS Charities projects. |

I hope this will work for my comment. I don't remember if I had already mentioned it but when I saw you have Elder Jameson I remembered my trainer in Spokane in the North Western States Mission in 1966 was Elder Max Jameson from Columbia Missouri (or Maybe he spelled it Jamison)