We have great neighbors here in our compound. And we live in a cute little apartment amongst palm trees and flowers. Kenyans would say that we "stay in a cute little flat." They don't live. They stay. And apartments are flats just like they are in Great Britain. Kenya was once a British possession so there are a lot of things in common with England. And there are a lot of words in common with Canadian English, such as sorry (sore-y, not sawry as the Americans say), and zed, and holiday (not vacation), and I can't remember more at this moment.
We love our neighbors and visit with them from time to time. The neighbors from India will soon have a new little baby. Will be great to hear that new-baby cry. And we have great members of the Church here too. And wonderful missionaries.
South African get-together. For a long time now we have wanted our South African neighbors, Jaku and Mariska, to meet our South African missionary president, President Msane and his wife. Jaku and Mariska are Afrikaans and President and Sister Msane are Zulu. There was a time in the past when white Africans and black Africans didn't get along. But that is in the past although there are still vestiges of prejudice here in Africa just like there are anywhere in the world. But finally we got our South African friends to meet each other. It was such a fun evening. The South Africans laughed and laughed over South African jokes and it was really great! Emily, also a South African, standing on Sister Msane's right, is a friend of the Msanes who was visiting in Nairobi. A great time was had by all. |
Sister Msane had cooked a "South African brai" which is basically a barbecue with lots of meat and salads. The Assistants, Elder Wafula and Elder Hales came too and then helped with dishes after. |
Mariska and Jaku had brought some of their home-made biltong as a gift for the Msanes and the Msanes were absolutely thrilled. Mariska makes her own biltong which is like beef jerky. |
Screven came over one evening and he and Elder Torrie had a great time playing on the virtual organ that LeRon has set up. Glorious music. Screven plays very well and loves music as many Africans do. Screven spent four years in Edmonton, Alberta, getting his undergraduate degree. He speaks English just like an Albertan. So fun to talk with him. Screven is the stake organist. |
We had to go to Upper Hill and it was great to meet up with some of the missionaries. Here are Elder McGrath, Elder Munyariri, and Elder Wafula. |
And Elder Cox and Elder McGrath. They look very hot. It's hot here in the day. LeRon and I are lucky that generally we are in the mission office during the hot part of the day. Mornings and evenings are still nice and cool. |
I help teach music to Primary children in the Langata Branch. I like to teach songs using things easily available to Kenyans. Most Kenyans don't have a home computer nor access to a printer. So I've been hand-drawing the words to songs. It's tempting to print some wonderful flip charts from the internet because they're so well done and the children love them but it's not practical for here in Kenya. When I'm gone, I want the members to be able to use the ideas I have and do it themselves. |
This picture and the previous one are for the three verses of "Choose the Right" with the chorus at the end. I thought it was pretty good if I do say so myself. |
LeRon visiting with a member, Evelyn, who is Sharon Poche's mother. Sharon is the Langata Branch Primary President. |
Evelyn is a convert to the church and very strong in the gospel. Before she joined, she really studied to be sure she understood what she was getting into. She continues to study and when she teaches a Relief Society lesson, you would never know that she hasn't been a member for her whole life. She's one of the many amazing members of the church here. |
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